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Can Mewing Give You a Sharper Jawline?

An injector’s perspective on this trending technique.

If you’ve spent any time on social media lately, you’ve likely heard of the term mewing. You may have even seen some before and after photos that look compelling. So, am I ready to give up filling jawlines and instruct my patients to try mewing first? Not quite…but let’s talk about it:

What is mewing?

Mewing is a technique that involves shifting the resting position of your tongue to the roof of your mouth while keeping your teeth closed in order to supposedly augment your jawline and alter your overall lower facial structure. 

British orthodontist Dr. Mike Mew is credited with popularizing the present-day mewing technique craze, which was initially developed by his father, controversial orthodontist Dr. John Mew (who has since had his medical license revoked), who placed the technique under the umbrella term “orthotropics.” 

Proponents of mewing essentially claim that the practice of maintaining this specific mouth position will eventually augment the maxilla bone, or the bone that forms the upper jaw, pushing it forward and outward. This will supposedly result in straighter teeth and a more well-defined and conventionally “attractive” facial shape.

While the Mews believe mewing is most effective for those under 25, they encourage adults to experiment with the technique via their relatively popular YouTube channel. However, Mike Mew warns viewers that it may take an extremely long time, plus much patience and effort, before they see any results (if they ever do). 

My Thoughts on Mewing

While there may be potential benefits to mewing, there may also be possible negative consequences, as there has not been enough research on the efficacy of the technique or any potential side effects.

If you’re concerned with the shape of your jawline or lower face, I always advise that you seek the advice of a licensed and reputable plastic surgeon, injector, orthodontist, or dentist who has experience treating your concerns. 

Injectables are one of the best options to help contour the jawline and add definition to the lower face. There are a variety of treatment methods that we can use to help snatch the jawline and create a beautiful profile

Depending on your unique treatment needs, we may use one or a combination of the following:

💉 HA Filler / Biostimulatory Filler

HA (Hyaluronic Acid) Fillers are a gel form of hyaluronic acid injected into the dermis to boost volume and create shape and structure. 

Biostimulatory Fillers, like Sculptra, trigger your body’s natural collagen production mechanisms.

We can use both types of fillers in the jawline to create definition and build structure, creating that sharp, crisp look.

💳 Price: $1450+

⌚️Appointment Length: 30-60 minutes


📱Call Atlanta at 678-812-2212 + Dallas at 469-720-1086 to book

💉 Kybella 

Kybella is formulated to destroy the fat under the chin over several treatment sessions. Once the fat cells have been destroyed, they can no longer store or accumulate fat, meaning any unwanted fat under the double-chin area will be gone! This helps create a more defined jawline and chin and produces slimming results. 

💳 Price: $550+

⌚️Appointment Length: 30 minutes 


📱Call Atlanta at 678-812-2212 + Dallas at 469-720-1086 to book

To Conclude…

When changing anything about your face, consulting with a trusted licensed medical professional who has proven results is always your best bet. If you feel like you want to augment your jawline or lower face, talk to your injector or plastic surgeon about options, don’t rely on an internet fad. 

If you’re unsure where to start, don’t stress, babe. At CULT Aesthetics, we’re proud to have a staff that’s well-versed in a multitude of aesthetic procedures. 

We’re Dallas and Atlanta’s best luxury medical-grade aesthetic center, with treatments ranging from plastic surgery to injectables to lasers, plus skincare treatments like medical microneedling with PRF and facials! We’re here to design the perfect treatment program uniquely for YOU so that you can embody your best, most beautiful self. ✨

To book an appointment with us: 

Please book your appointment HERE.

To keep up with the latest treatments, follow us on Instagram @cultclinics



Brennan, William. “How Two British Orthodontists Became Celebrities to Incels.” The New York Times, 20 Aug. 2020, nytimes.com/2020/08/20/magazine/teeth-mewing-incels.html.

Cherney, Kristeen. “Can Mewing Reshape Your Face? How to Do It and What the Research Says.” Healthline, Healthline Media, 12 July 2019, https://www.healthline.com/health/mewing.

DiFoggio, Whitney. “What Is Mewing? Does It Really Work?” Teeth Talk Girl, https://www.teethtalkgirl.com/dental-health/what-is-mewing-does-it-really-work.

“Doing Mewing.” YouTube, YouTube, 22 Sept. 2018, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hmf-pR7EryY.

“Mewing – What the New Internet Craze Has to Do with Your Looks.” NAAFO, 20 Dec. 2019, https://orthotropics-na.org/mewing-what-the-new-internet-craze-has-to-do-with-your-looks/.

“What Is Mewing & Does It ACTUALLY Work?” YouTube, YouTube, 6 Jan. 2022, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VmbV-0x11TE. 

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