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Hair Restoration
Care Instructions

Prepare For Your Procedure

  1. Avoid steroids and non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (Aspirin, Advil, Aleve, etc.) for 1 week prior to appointment - we want an inflammatory response with PRP
  2. Avoid alcohol for 24-48 hrs before appointment
  3. Wash hair the morning of procedure and do not apply styling products - please come to your appointment with clean hair
  4. Eat and hydrate well before your appointment

The Day of Your Procedure

  1. Your provider will collect a blood sample from you and separate the components of your sample with a centrifuge.
  2. Your provider may apply a numbing agent to the injected area or use a distracter to minimize any discomfort.
  3. The sample of highly concentrated platelets will be re-injected into the targeted area.

After Your Procedure

  1. Avoid steroids and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (Aspirin, Advil, Aleve, etc.) for 1 week after appointment - an inflammatory response is good!
  2. Take Tylenol or acetaminophen as needed for pain. Avoid using ice packs or heat for pain/swelling.
  3. Avoid washing hair until the day following procedure
  4. Avoid vigorous exercise and saunas for 24 hours
  5. Expect tenderness and swelling for up to 1 week. If you experience severe pain, fever of 101 or greater, or discharge from treated areas, call the office.
  6. Do not color or chemically treat hair for 48 hours
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